Are Addicts Good Historians?

I have heard it said that justification, minimization and rationalization are tools that addicts and alcoholics use to keep themselves convinced that they can still use and not get in trouble. This is so true. During interviews I regularly hear these tools being used.

When addicts are ready to admit the truth those tools are not there. They own the problem and want to do everything that they can to be honest to get the help. Those negative tools are not heard in the speech of someone who honestly believes that they have a problem and wants to get well.

Justification example: “There are lots of other people in this organization that smoke dope too, not just me!”

Rationalization example: “I work hard, make good money why shouldn’t I be able to relax once in a while. What I do on my own time is my own business.”

Minimization Example: I know that they say I failed a breath test but that was because I was up late and had no breakfast. I need it to sleep once in a while so what the heck.  My reading was not high enough to fail a test for drunk driving. I could have driven my car and passed any test the police have!”

These are all signs of someone who does not want to stop but being caught is just an inconvenience for them that must be overcome.  A competent counselor can work with people that really want to stop and also help people see how bad the problem is but there are some addicts that will never stop no matter what is put before them.